Car Trims Detailing

Many of the car parts are made out of black plastic known as the trims. These trims can be found inside and outside of the car. The plastic trims are on car’s doors, bumpers, side mirrors, at the bottom of the car and much more. The exterior plastic of the car is deteriorated due to rain, bird droppings, road grimes, dirt particles and sun rays that affect the color of the trims and make them look bleached after sometime. Most of the drivers avoid the look of the trims whereas it is the essential outlook of the car that needs to be treated well. In addition, the black plastic trim is turned into a rough surface t due to the UV rays. The color not only fades in summer but it ruins the material of trims in winter season as well. The trims should to be taken care at the initial level of fading out because that is the best chance to restore the color and shine of the trims. The plastic trims degradation is also caused through using harsh chemicals and substances.
Every car has different plastic door handles that fades its original color after some years. The rays of the sun put a beating heat on to these plastic trims and make them discolor. Due to the occurrence of damage, specific protection products are used to restore the color of the trims. Basically the trims are more often changed if they are destroyed to the extent of the surface.
Meguiar’s Hyper Dressing: the product is utilized for trims protection
GYEON Trim Coat: use to give back the natural black look to the plastic door handles and protection for over a long period of time. Trim preserves the long-lasting, supreme effect of color saturation.
- The plastic trims are washed thoroughly to let out the dust, road debris and loose the road grimes fixed upon the trims areas
- While washing a cleaner is sprayed onto the surface of exterior plastic trims to get rid of the dirt and remaining greasy oils.
- Cover the sides of the handle with a masking tape to avoid the chemical to spread on the paint
- With the help of micro fiber towel or foam paint brushed from the door handles and other trim areas are cleaned from the dirt. The cleaning will make the chemical bonds onto the plastic
- The little bit of coating chemical poured onto a small micro fiber cloth and then it is applied on to the plastic. The thick liquid solution dry up so quickly so while it cover every area of the handle, the coating is applied again with the same process to make it fixed as black color
- As it is the permanent coating it gives the trims an restoration look of black color
- For the finishing touch we use Meguairs hyperdressing for the protection of the plastic trims from the UV rays. The little bit of trim dressing is applied onto the applicator and rub off on to the plastic